Vision, Mission & Values

How We Engineer Excellence

Our Vision

GlobalENCO is a driving force in improving our communities and sustaining our world through an uncompromising commitment to growth, innovation, ethics, and technical excellence.

Our Mission

Amaze our clients with our responsiveness and innovation and become their trusted advisor, promote a rewarding work environment, and provide a fair return on investment.

Our Values

A Tradition of Excellence in Service to Clients. Through Continuous Quality Improvement, we will meet our clients’ requirements with services that are responsive, innovative, and technically sound. By continually reviewing and improving our work processes, we will do work right the first time.

Employees are Our Most Important Asset. Quality services to clients require the time, talent, and commitment of our employees. We will provide our employees with a safe, challenging, and rewarding work environment, and an atmosphere of trust. We will provide them with the tools and training required to perform their duties. We will appraise their performance regularly and assist them in achieving their full potential. We will promote diversity and the principle of equal employment opportunity.

Teamwork. We will require collaborative leadership and encourage a collegial working atmosphere in which the opinion of each employee is valued, the needs of the team are placed before the needs of the individual, and the good of the overall firm is placed before the good of any one unit.

Sustainability. We will take significant and lasting steps to minimize adverse environmental impacts and to conserve natural resources in both our operations and in our projects. We will strive to meet the needs of the present without compromising the future.

Professional and Community Involvement. We will promote service to our professions and the communities in which we live. Such service provides benefits to society, the firm and the individual.

Ethical Business Practices. Honesty and integrity are hallmarks of the manner in which we conduct business. We will only provide services that we are qualified to provide. We will provide these services in return for fair compensation. We will be alert to the potential for and avoid conflicts of interest. We will exercise care and judgment in handling confidential business information.

Financial Stability. We will manage our business in a manner that ensures the long-term financial growth and profitability of the firm. This approach will allow us to serve our clients more effectively and improve the stability of our workforce.